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This isn't about fanboyism - its about money - in which we are all fans of - to shell out (how much is it now?) for a 3rd console to play one epic game is a big blow to my bank account and the money that I didn't work for - None of us even really KNOW if its coming or not - thus the rumors coming from both credible sides - any insiders from Konami here ? speculation is welcomed especially speculation with some great theories

an idea would be... "(Yes) because MGS4 needs to sell 1 million in the first day to meet up with profits"

Did you really think Devil May Cry or Star Ocean or RE 5 would come to 360 ? "Well I saw her face, and I am a believer"

@Coca-Cola = btw Shin ramen is 60% of my diet - and if it does come to 360 - I'll probably go to church for one day... maybe for half of the sermon... then I'll go to hell later.. haha - no really, I think I can make the bet - If more people want something - and if we all believe - maybe anything is possible ?

@kingofwale sell my soul for a game ? Well I am sure you'd sell your soul for some stuff too - like a sense of judgment on my sarcasm .. I am kidding I am kidding !

Understanding is the key.