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ZenfoldorVGI said:

Welp, sure is a good thing that I did trade my Wii for an Xbox 360 recently(though the Wii is far superior).


A. The Last Remnant is getting an early release on the Xbox 360. How early, who is to say?

B. Eternal Sonata isn't coming to the PS3 in america. Just Japan.

C. Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon

D. Infinite Undiscovery

E. Star Ocean 4 is now coming to the 360....maybe before the PS3


I just don't know what to say. I paid top dollar for this black beast back when they were still expensive and I've had it packed up for months. Honestly. I have been pretty upset that this thing doesn't play JRPG's and apparently, I just had the wrong system.

We got WKS, Disgaea 3, and FFXIII/VXIII, but honestly I still haven't beat Disgaea 2 yet, and XIII is a year away!

Grr. I really can't stand the slow/slawness that is the PS3 and its JRPG support, that is WHY I BOUGHT IT! It's a freakin' sony system, that's why I bought a PS2. For FFX.


What I truely can't understand is why Persona 4 couldn't be a PS3 game. It woulda really made the deal, but no, it's PS2.


Alright, rant over, but know this, out of all the current gen consoles, so far, and looking in the future as well, before FFXIII, I have had WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better JRPG and SJRPG experiences much more often than I have had on my PS3, and people wonder why this thing is failing in Japan, and why American audiences are turned off?

Sony has a loyal enough fanbase, but the true hardcore sonyboys from the start bought their systems because of Square Enix support, and eventually for the JRPGs in America and Japan. If it wasn't for us there wouldn't be a freakin' playstation 2 or 3. Now we are shunned. It's time for Sony to stop spending its money on godaweful Killzone sequels and start making a freakin Legend of Dragoon game or something, cause I'm sick of this crap.


I own a 360 and I'm PO'd about this, I can only imagine myself a month back when I was a PSWii man, I woulda hung myself, after I did a lot of stuff to Sony HQ that I can't say on the internet, cause I'd be on a CIA watch list.

And you my friend are correct.  Everything you say is the reason a petition (in my sig) was started.

Not because we actually feel a petition will do anything, not because we're foolish enough to think Sony will start to poop out JRPG's overnight because of a petition...but because we feel like Sony has shit on us and we want them to know it.

It's about making them aware.  It lets them know that they had a loyal fanbase that bought ps3's for JRPG's and that they are disheartened to not get any.

Sure, it won't make a difference, but it makes them aware of our concerns and disappointment.

It lets us have a voice and a vote.

PSN ID: Sorrow880

Gamertag: Sorrow80

Wii #: 8132 1076 3416 7450