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vkaraujo said:


The showing is asking me too much to ignore geographical and temporal metrics, and I am starting to really hate it. Besides very poor writing decisions in name of... nor really sure, maybe flare or to rush story?

- Tyrells were established as the second richiest family, but were really the first once you consider Lannister's gold had ended. They were also considered important military allies for 4 seasons and had the only army that took part in no big battle yet. But lost a battle from a elevated fortified position, in what could have been a day or an hour (who knows?), because ''they were never really good at fighting''?

- They clearly state in Season 6 they can't use their armies to stop the High Sparrow without starting civil war, but the population buy that an accident not only killed the Pope they loved, but the Queen they loved, besides many other Cersei enimies, at the same freaking time the King decided to suicide??? (We know Tomem killed himself, but the population would never buy that with that timing).

They are totally cool with Cercei, the Queen they despised and hurt during the ''Shame walk'' being their Queen now, despite having no actual claim to the throne, since she is neither a Targaryen or a Baratheon. This is the same population that almost killed their King in season 2 and almost raped his betrothed.

- Dragonstone is on the freaking exit of King's Landing. It is the middle of the ONLY water route. Euron fleet can't come and go without passing through Daenerys's fleet (when she still had one) and her 3 Dragons. Why the **** Dragonstone would be abandoned is also beyond my imagination.

- Oh right, Euron can warp travel. It is the only explanation for him to get to Casterly Rock, on the other side of the continent.

- The guy had black plague until yesterday, but I am totally fine to let him go today after a crazy acolyte skinned him.

To not mention the complete waste of time this arc was to Jorah. What did he learned? What was the point? Sam could tell him about his father, about Longclaw being with Jon Snow, about Lyanna Mormont supporting show, or at least the army of the dead.

- D&D have no idea of Little Finger's end game. They are going to kill him because of that and I swear I am going to freak with the show. The guy is The Joker of the 7 kingdoms, he orchestrated Jon Arryn's death, Ned's death, Joffrey's death, started the whole war of the 5 kings and stole the Vale for himself, but after the book material runs off he gave Sansa off to rape for no good reason and his sole game plan seems to be trying to make Sansa fall for him?

I agree with most of it, although the Blackwater Bay is pretty wide, over a hundred kilometers of open water, and even more until Dragonstone. I guess Euron would prefer to stick to the southern end not only to avoid any of Dany's ships, but also the flying range of roaming dragons (possibily not a small one), if he learned anything about them at all. So, while a blockade is still feasible, maybe Dany's ships just weren't around?

Besides, someone at Reddit, I can't find the thread right now, worked the chronology of the seventh season so far and concluded Euron had about a fortnight to get from King's Landing to Casterly Rock, during which period he would have to be about 10-20% faster than the fastest medieval warships. Unfeasible, but then again, medieval warships didn't have a dragon maw to clamp on enemies, and weren't commanded by the greatest sailor of the fourteen seas... I guess we can cut D&D some slack on this issue. The books themselves are a bit on the cartoonish side on stuff as varied as genetics and feats of engineering and architecture, so yeah, I can buy it as feasible for Westeros.