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steverhcp02 said:
rocketpig said:
steverhcp02 said:
i wish MSFT would throw some money into some R&D to fix the noise and 3 rings on their console instead of trying this. I really think the 360 could be great, but it just baffles my mind MSFT keeps going in this direction, the elite, GTA DLC with their money....fix the damn console and promote the amazing games they have....stop throwing good money at bad....this pisses me off as a gamer because i refuse to accept the shitty hardware, and now i wont get to play these games unless i rebuy a broken console that i have to ship to Texas twice a year and wear earplugs when i play in a chilled out quiet room. ugh.

They have fixed those issues. All refurbs are getting a new mobo that supposedly cures the RRoD, the RRoD hasn't been a huge problem with the Falcon chipset (sold since Aug 07), and the new BenQ drives are considerably more quiet than the old wind tunnel drives.

i suppose i cant atest to recent RRoD since i lost my everyday contact with the 360 last march after the second time it broke...but i was just at my friends house playing rockband and they JUST bought the 360 and i could hear it behind the music unless wew turned it up insanely loud......

So are the elites in considerably better shape than my previous experience? because my friends was just a premium.

Sorry to go semi-OT.

The newer 360s I have heard are quieter. My friend just bought an Elite so I'll take a look at it this weekend. I know it's definitely quieter than that Goddamned turbojet I have in my unit. 

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