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Maybe SCEJ did try....but MSFT just overpaid for this just like they grossly overpaid for GTA exclusive content. Again, im not too upset as a gamer because no one is stopping me from getting a 360 to play these games.....exclusives arent bad....but my main problem is MSFT has ignored the quality of their hardware which makes me upset and not willing to rebuy one for these games....which sucks. So as a gamer i feel a bit jaded that MSFT is ignoring our pleas to fix their hardware and dishing out oodles of money for GTA DLC and this only to piss Sony off when it really doesnt matter to us as gamers, clarify, instead of throwing money to make great or better products MSFT is ignoring real issues and throwing money to be a thorn in Sony's side....and we as gamers dont benefit if improvements arent actually made. sucks.