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Dno said:
@ Legend
not one of those games will sell more then 200k lifetime in japan. each can sell almost a mil n ps3.

After this run fails there will be no more JRPGS to fund lol.


Your statement is rather fanboy-ish, and incredibly stupid, not based on any sort of reasonable logic or analysis.

 The Playstation 3 (if you haven't noticed) is doing very poorly in Japan. Not as bad as the 360, but still getting it's rear end handed to it on a silver platter. 0 Playstation 3 games have performed upto any sort of decent level of sales. So if this is the trend, then why are you randomly expecting given RPGs to sell well above the level of every other Playstation 3 game? 

Don't get me wrong, the PS3 version of a given RPG would sell better than the 360's version in Japan. But to assume that a game that'd do 200k on the 360, would do 1m on the PS3 is absolute garbage, and destroys the purpose of this website (after all, you didn't bother looking at PS3 sales before posting, did you?)


Lets take a look at Playstation 3 games, shall we?

Disgaea 2 (PS2): 150,000+ Units

Disgaea 3 (PS3): 105,209 Units (selling under 700/wk) 


Dynasty Warriors 5 (US Name): 910,000+ Units

Dynasty Warriors 6 (US Name): 410,000 Units


We could keep playing this game. Nevertheless, PS3 games aren't living up to PS2-like sales. So why should we randomly expect RPGs to sell at near-PS2 levels on the PS3? Won't happen.

Kingofwale - What would MS buy in Europe to make it compete better? The price drop has had a huge effect on the market, and has made Microsoft (somewhat) viable in the market..Methinks that MS should focus on Japan a little bit, and then drop the price in the US for a huge win.  

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.