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Small rant about White Walkers and Jon Snow: Why should I give a fuck?

Am I on the minority here? After years of building up Cersei's character, Dany's conquest, Sansa's struggles, Littlefinger's scheming, fall and rise of Winterfell, the life and fall of the Tyrells, Dorne (kinda), Tyrion's path, Jaime's redemption and honor and devotion... I'm just kinda unimpressed and unattached to the White Walkers plot. Whenever Jon Snow rambles about them I feel just like the characters: 'Who gives a fuck? Show me the armies and politics.'
I feel the show is worse when the White Walkers are involved because I don't care and I'm too attached to King's Landings main story. Daenerys should have laughed away Jon Snow and maybe Sansa could overthrow him from Winterfell and all would be good.