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Fastrabbit09 said:
Lord_Yggdrassil said:

Lets be realistic here...i dont' think ANY single platform game this gen will sell 5 million more than Brawl let alone Mario kart lol.

wii fit says hi

and what you think != reality

 Are you joking or what? or just didn't understand what i said? 

What i think is a realistic outcome. SSBB is going to sell around maybe 6-8 Million in it's many games will sell 11-13 million on a single platform? Wiifit..what if Nintendo release wiifit 2 in the next year? Do you honestly believe it's sensible to compare a standard game to a interactive MAT? lol. So there you go i am being realistic, you saying Mario kart wii will outsell brawl by 5 million is very unrealistc and you never considered previous research of the two franchises. 

And "what you think != reality"

When did i say that?
