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jason1637 said:

"Lol i was just pointing out that that statement didnt make much sense but you just clarified it so thats good. I'll leave it at this. I think its impressive for the series and for an exclusive dead rising game. "

It made sense until you replied 50 times and then tried to put a bunch of replies together : P 

"You kept up bringing up the mediocre thing so i responded to it."

There's no point in arguing who brang up what first but just to be clear - I kept bringing it up because you kept bringing it up. This is very weird counter logic you have. 

"Ok Splatoon has a higher attach rate. That still isnt relevant to the discussion because you said something about splatoon matching or passing Halo 5s sales which hasnt happened."

I'll admit this comment got me genuinely pretty mad. When you reply to someone constantly and get off topic - or respond with a non answer practically every time, and then you say ATTACH RATE is off topic ? You just said we were comparing Splatoon and Battlegrounds so how is pointing out the attach rate off topic? You made a big error and I pointed it out(partially to be funny). That's not "off topic", you basically minimized your entire point about Halo having good sales because by your own logic it's attach rate is pitiful. You constantly talk about attach rate or how it's not far because Xbox One doesn't have the install base! But then you say a series didn't sell that impressively despite it having a much smaller install base and an impressive attach rate? You can't contradict yourself like that.

"If you're playing every month for a few days its an important statistc because it shows that the player is still interested in playing the game even thought its for small periods at a time its a good way to know how many overall users are using the game on a monthly basis."

It's fine if you believe it's an important statistic, but to use it in a round-about way when doing a PR stunt for your game it's very bad to use. Also, I would argue MAU is very rarely important since even Twitter bashed the system(which they used to use), but if yoou think it's important than fine. 

"Its not misleading because the original statement said "Halo 5 has had the highest monthly active players for a Halo title since Halo 3." . l Its not misleading because its true. And Reach is included in this i looked back at the post and theres nothing saying that theres less MAU on Halo 5 than Halo reach except from speculation from that forum users."

Lol this is just ... so lol. 343 Literaly got called and then said "you're right, they're not comparable!" Just because something is technically true doesn't mean it can't be said in a misleading way. It's so  frustrating when someone has such an attachement to a company or publisher that they'd rather defend the company than admit something. In hindsight it's easy to look at that quote and say that it doesn't sound misleading, but I was actually there when it happened and I remember the halo community freaking out thinking that Halo 5 was somehow one of the most popular Halo's. Of course it wasn't, and in reality they compared a system of measurement that was incomparable to another, and then admitted to it. But I guess nothing is misleading to you even if it's said in a roundabout way.  Also when I said they didn't mention Reach, I meant that in their original statement they did, but when they clarified that Halo 5 was nowhere near Halo 3 in popularity they never mentioned Reach. To be fair they coulld have just forgot it or something, I just think if they were including Reach or 2 in the second statement it would have shown that Halo 5 really is a dip off(not including 4...oh god)

"Its was comparing them to the older versions because the install base was around the same size. It wouldn't be fair to compare FIFA 17 to FIFA 13 because FIFA 13 had a way large install base."

Ok but ... I don't really care about Fifa? Fifa is a very Europe oriented game anyways so of course playstation will hold the most dominance. You're not wrong I just don't get why you're so focused on games I don't care to discuss.

"You compared Halos sales to Battleground and Splatoon 2 to show that Has as a series is in decline because it's getting outsold by these new IPS so i brought up other IPS that battlegrounds is outselling and the IPS like FIFA and Madden are IPS that are still selling good."

....I guess? I mean you didn't really make very many good points with them, all you've shown me is that Fifa and Madden 3rd party sales are up.Madden isn't up that much though and Fifa is much more playstation oriented. I don't think that "look! This other franchise that's sold well isn't selling as well as Splatoon 2o r Battlegrounds" is a good argument because it's off topic and you could probably say that about a lot of franchises. What's good for a Sports game on a console is not the same as the fucking symbol of the xbox brand.

" Also if youre talking about how popular a series is it doesnt make sense comparing older battlefield games to modern Halo games because thats a bit misleading . "

Except that's not what I'm doing at all, I'm comparing their market share? Look, old Halo used to sell better than the best selling version of old Battlefield did. Now? Halo sells worse than the best selling version of Battlefield does. Does that process to you? Battlefield's market share has gotten a little bigger of course, I don't really expect Halo to outsell Battlefield nowadays. But the fact that it's so far behind really says a lot. A xbox 360 Halo game used to sell 10-15 million units, now Halo has around 6 million, maybe around 6.5. Battlefield's market share has gotten from around 8 mil to probably around 10 per it's most popular platform. Battlefield has rised a bit so I dont really think Halo needs to outperform it, but it should be close to meeting it or meeting it and instead it's getting trounced. Halo is actually one of few series that sold exceptionally well after it's hay day. I don't expect another Halo 3 because that game was the peak of a series, and that's fine, every series will have it's peak, but Halo has fallen at a rapid and honestly unnatural rate, especially when yoou consider Reach and 4 probably sold around 10-11 million with digital.

"Yeah but MCC bundle came out 4 months later than its Nov 2014 release when the BF came out when Battlefield 1 launch and it was one of the main bundles for the holiday. But still The Halo games on xbox one has outsold the Battlefield games on xbox one."

So bundles only matter when you want them to? Ah, okay. Look i'm not going to argue about Battlefield's entire sales on the xbox vs Halo's entire sales because again you're getting this entire discussion off topic. I never even said anything about them. On Vgchartz yes, Halo has outsold Battlefield. I just don't see how that's impressive when games like Hardline weren't big and 4 was a bit bigger on last gen consoles. Battlefield 1 is like the "real" rise to acclaim on next gen consoles, if you will. So if you want to compare games, why not compare the most recent Halo to the most recent Battlefield. Oh right, because it doesn't fit your narrative! I'll admit I should have been more clear in addressing that I was originally talking about Battlefield's ps4 sales, but at this point I've already clarified that once. Ultimately what's important is the discussions you keep steering away from. It's worth noting that Battlefield 1 vs Halo 5 on Xbox One ... Battlefield 1 is still selling much faster. Like, on the 10th week of BF1's sales, it had 700,000 more physical copies sold than Halo 5. And Halo 5 is the "face of Xbox". Keep in mind BF probably has a similar digital attach rate anywas, maybe a bigger one, who knows. 

I know I've already said this but I think it needs clarificaton : You keep steering away discussion from what we were actually talking about. The worst was when you did it based on nothing but semantic wording, but now you're steering off into topics that are irrelevant. When I brought up Battlefield, Splatoon, and Battlegrounds and 343 being misleading, it wasn't so we could have some quality time, sit by the fire, cuddle and talk about third party sales or 343's advertisement. It was a point about Halo's sales,  and I thought that (besides the fucking BF clarification) I tied them together to my main point quite nicely. Yet you care more about stuff like "WHAT SPECIFIC VERSION ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" or "did you use extremely or not!" or "343 isn't misleading!" like it's your lifeblood or something. I respect that you're atleast not a shitposer or disrespectful, but at this point I'm starting to think you'll just steer discussion again or I'll make logical consistent points that you'll just dodge with a non answer. I told you to stop talking about why Gears failed, and rather talk about how you think it will get on track, because like you yourself said you think it will sell really well. I didn't get an answer to that. My main point has been this entire time that the biggest xbox games have either flopped, or have sold in a mediocre fashion. But now we're barely talking about that. When I originally expanded this topic it was to go more in-depth and not to talk about random stuff. I've been fair and said that games like Ori and Dead rising 3 were somewhat impressive - I even went out of my way to find(what I can only assume to be) the most accurate and positive sales data for Dead rising 3, which was a bit hard to find. 

Personally there's a few Xbox games I wanted to do really well and just frankily didn't.   I appreciate and thank you for at least being civil(more so than me hahaa). But in this entire discussion I don't think anything has changed really, Gears 4 and Halo 5 are still unimpressive, and the most impressive sales I can think of are Horizon 3 and maybe DR3. I don't see what that changes about drop off franchises or Dead Rising 4, Halo Wars 2, Quantum Break, Recore, etc. I'm sure if i wanted to be an ass I could make a case for Rise of the Tomb Raider being unimpressive, but I slightly disagree with some of those arguments people made a lot. I'm trying to be unbiased(I will admit I get a bit too heated at times) but this discussion isn't going to go anywhere at the rate it's at. I think what it comes down to is that sales data are in the end of the day just numbers - and no matter how much you like 343, or think Gears can be a success, these sales just aren't impressive, and in a lot of cases are weak. I'm not over the moon about it, I used to love the Xbox, I just like taking the piss sometimes. But besides maybe DR3, Forza Horizon 3, I don't think there's that big xbox game that has blew us away. I'm actually hoping to buy Forza Horizon 3. Let's hope that Sea of Thieves, or CrackDown 3, or State of Decay 2 becomes the next big hit.