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I was always deeply frightened by the guardians and completely avoided them until I discovered just how ridiculously easy fighting them is with the right strategy and/or weapons. That was the point when they became my favourite enemy, getting me excited whenever I saw one.

The non-walking guardians are a complete joke once one has "Daruk's protection". Just hold the shield up and wait until the guardian fires - that's it, they're instantly destroyed, no precise timing necessary.
And the walking guardians are a just plain fun with the right strategy (and ideally, the master sword): Just walk or fly close enough so you can hit one of their legs. After a few hits (two with the master sword) the leg is already destroyed. This immediately stops any attack the guardians may be preparing for, and one can simply walk to and destroy the next leg without any danger. Repeat that for all legs; afterwards, the guardian can no longer move and a few hits are enough to kill his remaining health, without having wasted any health or arrows. Furthermore, this strategy has the advantage that one gets an additional item for each leg.