collint0101 said:
I legitimately regret buying usf2 if this is how they're going to treat us. Like wtf I gave them a pass with the megaman and Disney collections and mh world but between this and their unwillingness to localize mh xx I'm officially done with their bull shit |
I remember back in 2011 when MVC 3 first came out. I played the demo over and over again at the booth in Walmart. I very much enjoyed the game and decided to waste my 60 dollars in getting it. What I found was one of the most content stripped games ever. The gameplay and visuals were excellent.... but you could literally experience everything it had to offer in a couple of hours. Luckily, I was able to get a refund and get Arkham Asylum instead. I have now sworn off of all Capcom games that aren't Mega Man.