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Munkeh111 said:

Found out where I got the numbers from

This bundle, avaliable in 3 colours, with a DS3 and SIXAXIS, according to this will be avaliable in quantities between 80-100k, however, he don't have any figures on how well they are selling

I would image those will be sold out not too far in the future, so I would expect a 150k boost from MGS in Japan overall

Heh, nice :) Get rid of unsold, now obsolete hardware (Sixaxis) and use them to boost sales. Cute.

That bundles makes sense - its a pure PS3 + MGS4 bundle. Helps anyone who wants the game, but hasn't yet got a PS3 - to take the plunge. 



Ok, that makes a little more sense - sort of provoked, from someone who "might" have been a Ubisoft employee.

I think I saw a vid of that Dogs game, and its no where as bad as you all make out. Its obvious not going for the "realistic" look, and is just a quick, casual cash-in - but if that is the market, then so be it.

Ubi spent heaps on Red Steel 1 - which had excellent gfx, but crappy controls/gameplay. I would have prefered less gfx, more frame rate and better controls.


The Wii (and other consoles) are just "warming up". I'm sure over the coming years, we'll see some pretty awesome Ubisoft games on the Wii (crosses fingers!). 

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