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Dedede's got range. Deceptive range at that. Priority on the up-tilt and d-tilt is also very high. F-tilt, not so much. F-tilts range is insane though. If used point blank on Bowser it can hit a person behind Bowser >.>

At high %, hanging around Dedede's head is the worst place to be. U-tilts hit box opens on frame 7 or some other outrageous number like that. Very large range around Dedede's head, and easily kills off the top. It kills so easily, that it actually kills earlier then his up smash does. His up smash is slow as hell too >.>

As for the "Big Ass Wall". That's not a wall, thats just an abnormally large ass.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!