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A subject that I am currious about. To me and to many people, it seemed as if the PS3 would be the RPG console of choice. Well now it is clear that this title goes to the handhelds (both actually since the PSP gets a healthy share), and that the PS3 will have to split a lot of it's titles with the 360 (SO4) and wait a while for the other ones (FF). So the questions are:

How many of you (RPG fans) bought a PS3 with the idea that it was your only choice for RPGs?

Do you still feel it's a valid reason for having a PS3 (for the remaining exclusives)?

Do you regret buying it early? Prefered to have waited for the games to come out? 

If you have not bought one yet, but were going to, is your judgement on the PS3 changed in the past few months?