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I don't mind playing old games, as long as they're retooled for VR. (Rez Infinite best so far, can't wait to play Skyrim on psvr) HD remakes are fine too (Ico/Sotc HD, Windwaker HD amazing). Replaying a few older games with a new GPU to run them beyond max settings used to be fun (FSX, HL2, it's been a while since I played on PC)

Replaying games with BC not so much. They don't have enough upgrades to make it feel new and it almost always disappoints due to the nostalgia effect. The only BC games I've finished were FF12 and GoW2 since I played them for the first time on ps3. With everything that I played before, half an hour of reliving the past is usually enough.

For all the complaints about remasters, Crash Bandicoot is selling gangbusters. I doubt it would have even made a blip if it was simply a digital BC version on psn. How much did this version sell!/en-ca/games/crash-bandicoot-(ps3-psp)/cid=UP9000-NPUI94900_00-COMBINED00000001