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scottie said:

famousringo: They are going to recoup costs by opening up the iphone to 3rd party software developers and taking a 30% cut of all money made

 Sounds a lot like their old iTunes model.

 Except they didn't make money on iTunes for the first few years. They ran it near cost as a service to help sell iPods, where they actually made the money.  This iPhone is way cheaper than iPods were in those days, despite having far more complicated technology in them.

So if the money isn't in the store, and isn't in the hardware... 

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.