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you realize that we're years from even getting a portable that could across the board play PS4 games right? maybe in like 2020 or something? the problem is a combination of battery and power. The higher the power of the portable, the bigger the battery would have to be because of how fast it would drain

As it is we're not close to that for a PS4 system. If the PS5 was a true generational leap up? jesus, you probably wouldn't be able to consider seeing a portable of that until like 2030

what you have to realize is that as a whole the technology sector is starting to advance MUCH much slower; i.e. look at the difference between the PS2 and PS3 and then the PS3 and PS4-  the gaps are getting smaller. On the same side of things, technology is not really super speedy lately in terms of architecture and efficent portable batteries. For something like a phone they're managing because it doesn't generally run super meaty programs

bear in mind as it is the Nintendo Switch squeezed in basically the biggest battery it could and still only lasts like 3 hours for something like Zelda. if you open up the system, the battery takes up like more than half of the internals.


I agree with the overall sentiment that Sony will probably attempt another handheld in time- there's too much potential there, especially in the Asian market, to not consider it. But let's stay in realism- if they come out with one in a few years it will be playing PS4 games- nothing will come out that could play potentially a 'PS5' generational leap on a handheld in ages