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Frodaddyg said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
rocketpig said:
PS360ForTheWin said:
i dont get it, there parents are nazi drug addicts, you honsestly think thats a safe enviroment for young children?

You're standing on a very slippery slope. You should be careful.

please elaborate rocketpig, do you think that hating jews and gays and being addicted to drugs is a good example to set for your kids?


What he's saying is that personal beliefs aren't something that the government should be deciding for you or your children. they do that already, they have faith schools which are in effect indoctrination camps for kids.

Let's say I find religion ridiculous and damaging to the reality of a child's mind, should I then take them from their fundamentalist Christian family? (Not really a hypothetical either, since I think religion is ridiculous, but I'm not out abducting kids from Sunday school to "protect their best interests".)

these parents also do drugs, there kids were not taken away because of there nazi views alone.