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For the past month or so I've been getting back into Splatoon because Splatoon 2 now launches tomorrow (I wont be able to play it for two weeks...) and I have been really excited for it. Everything strarted off fine, I would jump in, get my ass handed to me for being away for so long, and then eventually catch up to everyone else. But something strange started happening recently, specifically yesterday this started. For whatever reason the top tier Japanese players just seemed to vanish and I was left with lobbies full people who just... well, they were terrible. Not just terrible though, they did a ton of things that just havent been present in Splatoon, at least from my experience since the beginning of the game.

Players would leave their base completely bare, with no ink covering the ground at all. (in turf wars)

Players would often hide in corners to escape opponents. (a rookie move since that basically guarantees immediate death)

A lot more people were using rollers, and are terrible with them. (this is pretty rare from what ive seen. the only people who usually use rollers have a ton of experience and know how to use them)

Low leveled player. like in the 4 - 10 range when everyone else 40 - 50

Even the people who were level 50 were making dumb rookie mistakes, leading me to believe that I had previously just gotten use to the pro level Japanese players and had ended up in an American lobby for once, except no, there were also plenty of Japanese names.

as for me personally its really killing the vibe of the game. i could be the only one on my team with any real skill, so naturally I would rush forward to hold off the enemy team, only to find that they decided to just follow me to the front without splatting anything. so then I would have to stay in back to ink everything only to realize that my team is just constantly dying, and i cant go help because otherwise nobody on my team will actually ink anything.

Its just really baffling to me that now, starting 2 days before the release of this game's sequel, so many new players seem to be flooding the game, and I just cant think of a single reason why. the only reason I could think of is that these were people who already had a Wii U and couldnt buy a Switch so they just bought the original Splatoon as a substitute. But even so, Splatoon was one the biggest games on the Wii U, so it cant be that so many more people JUST NOW started playing. I dont know, maybe this happens a lot with online games, but I just thought it would be interesting to share, see what other people might think.