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The_vagabond7 said:
Yeah, they actually will take your children away if you can't take care of them for financial reasons. But like Fkusumot said, that's not really a belief system.

As for jehovah's witness's they won't necessarily take their kids away, but in some instances they will overrule the parents decisions that they impose on their children, such as their refusal for blood transfusions. It's come up in a number of instances where they refuse to let their child have a blood transfusion in order to save their life (blood transfusions are considered disrespectful to life, since blood symbolizes life in god's eyes according to their interpretation of the bible). But if they are willing to let their kid die in order to uphold their own religious belief, then they can be over ruled to save the child's life. Though they have their legal teams continue to fight that tooth and nail. But that is neither here nor there.

The point is, if a system of beliefs is legitimately endangering a child's well being then the state has the right to remove the child from the harmful situation. I mean I can claim that my belief system dictates that I can come home to my kids get coked up, do some shrooms, after a few shots of Pure grain alcohol, but if my "beliefs" endanger my child then the state can take them away.

Neo-nazism isn't just some passive "oh I think the jews are in the wrong" sort of belief system, it's extremely violent, oppressive and harsh. I don't think I've ever read an experience of a well adjusted family man that happens to be a neo-nazi, and if such an experience exists it is an outlier, and not a common experience. They aren't removing the child because they think it's a bad system of beliefs, they are removing the child because it's a terrible home environment that is endangering the children's well being, the belief system is just what is causing that environment and isn't in an of itself the reason for removal.

In the case of the Jehovah's witness the person is activly refusing to save the childs life. That's a bit different then teaching your child ignorant and hateful things.

If that was the case... a good portion of America wouldn't be able to raise their kids because of various forms of racism.

Your thoughts on Neo Nazism are also somewhat... well stupid. What racistism is passive? Also who the hell would write something about a well adjusted Neo Nazi.

1. Books about well adjusted people don't sell.

2. An author who wrote something about a well adjusted Neo Nazi (or any racist) would be totally ostracized for being a racist themselvse as people woud accuse him of trying to say it's ok to be a Neo Nazi because they are fine in everything except for their hate of non white people.

3. They are a very small segement of society anway. I could say the same thing about any group.

How much have you heard about well adjusted family man Eskimos? Nothing right? While Eskimo's have nothing positive or negative going for them.

4. What group of racists do you picture as "well adjusted" family men anyway. When you picture a "normal" racist do you picture someone coming home, having dinner with his wife and kids, tucking his children into bed and saying "Remember, black people are porch monkeys that are ruining this country!"

The whole thing seems like they just wanted to stick it to this guy.  I mean I knew plenty of douchebags when i was younger who would right swastikas all over the place and on their bodies... nobody got taken away from their parents, they just got suspended.