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Aura7541 said:

So a bit off topic, but thanks to Jal, I'm able to pinpoint how much the XB1 has sold worldwide.

As of the end of last year, its US sales were 15.85 million. How much of the worldwide sales the US takes up depends on who you believe. For instance, EA has the combined sales of consoles at 79 million. Subtract the PS4's 53.4m figure and you'll get 25.6m for the XB1. Superdata had the XB1's sales at 26m. IHS estimated the console's sales at 27.6m. If we are to believe EA's figures, then the US makes up about 61.9% of WW sales. If we believe IHS, then the US makes up about 57.4% of WW sales.

The XB1's US LTD sales are now at 16.84 million. If we are to believe EA and run on the assumption that the 61.9% ratio remained the same, then its WW sales are 16.84m/0.619 = 27.2m. If we are to believe IHS and assume the 57.4% ratio remained the same, then its WW sales are 16.84m/0.574 = 29.3m.

It could be VGC numbers for Xbox One are "optimistic", and its slightly overtracked (between 1m-3m).