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RolStoppable said:
superchunk said:

VR, like 3D, is just a niche feature that will never be mainstream. There will continue to be flare ups of popularity but those will also continue to drizzle out and become nothing again.

People don't want to wear extra headgear.
People don't want to wear extra headgear.
People don't want to wear extra headgear.
People don't want to wear extra headgear.
People don't want to wear extra headgear.
People don't want to wear extra headgear.

It won't happen to mainstream. It just won't. Hell, even the 3DS couldn't make 3D popular. The battery life impact and relatively narrow view just made it a meh feature pretty much everyone turned off.

The only time 3D or VR will become mainstream is when it requires nothing extra. Think holodeck on Star Trek. When the feature adds the benefit without impact to anything else you're doing, it will be accepted by the masses.

A holodeck sure sounds like an affordable setup. Forget it, because if the masses have to make the choice between a virtual experience or spending the same money on a vacation at a real place, the latter is going to win pretty much every time.

But it is an example that could be wanted by the masses, should it be affordable.