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SecondWar said:
Yerm said:
ever since Moffat took over the show it has been going downhill. there have just been so many stupid moments since Season 5. first he decided that the TARDIS noise should be a cause of the Doctor leaving the breaks on. then we got fat rainbow Daleks which even Moffat agrees was a mistake. then all of the 10th Doctor's adventures were canonically wiped from history after the TARDIS blew up for no goddamn reason. we got the completely unnecessary romantic subplot with River. we got John Hurt, who although was a good character was a complete waste of a regeneration. the battle for Trenzalore which made no damn sense since he was supposed to die but hen Moffat decided not to (why do it in the first place then). the Master is now a crazy lady. the sonic screwdriver turned into sonic sunglasses for an entire season. and then finally we got Season 10's awful 3-parter about aliens who want to rule the world and simulate the entire world just to rule the world because of absolutely no reason at all.

but he couldnt just let things go that easily. he had to take one last stab at the fanbase, where even after 3 years of people telling him NOT to make the Doctor a woman, various actors turning the role down because they feel the Doctor shouldnt be a woman, and people working on the show having doubts about the doctor being a woman... Moffat made the Doctor a woman....

i fear it may be too late to save this show

I agree with several points here, but it was mainly that Moffat was just not as good as Russell Davies, simply because Davies planned the key elements of his 4 seasons from the beginning. It was clear Moffat was doing this as early as his secind season when you step as realise that the logic behind the Silence had completely changed and didn't fit with the continuity. The same happened with the 2 Trenzalore epiosdes.

He did have some really good standalone episodes, Heaven Sent to me was amazing and The Day of the Doctor was no disappointment, but some moments were really overplayed and became cheesey - my picks here being Amy and Rory's death (probably going to feel some heat for that) and Clara whispering into the crack in the universe in the time of the doctor.

i wont deny that he did write some great episodes, but i think his best work is the episodes he wrote for the 9th and 10th doctor. he was great for solo episodes but his convoluted multi-episode arks that he attempted felt silly, like he just it up as it went along.