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It will be a very big change in dynamic, especially when you consider that the show has always been Male Doctor + Female Companion with the occasional addition, and from 2005 onwards at least there's also been the occasional romantic aspect between the two. So swapping to a female doctor... does that likely mean we'll also be getting our first male (main) companion? Not necessarily, as romance between the Doctor and his... or her... companion hasn't really been the focus or the best recieved angle for the show.

It will be a large shift, and it's going to take some getting used to, but I'm certainly willing to give it a shot. Let's just hope they don't go completely overboard on the preachy sexism messages.

I'm excited to see what Chibnall has in store for the show though after moffat fell off the bandwagon, even though he recovered a little this last season. Poor Capaldi, his run was scuppered by the writing.