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JRPGfan said:
Superman4 said:

So what is it when the media gets dirt on people and publishes it? How about if  a candidate sought to get dirt on Hillary from another American? Dirt is dirt, it doesnt matter where it comes from as long as it can be proven true or false.  The intent was to damage Hillary and help Trump, if Hillary has nothing to hide as she says than no dirt can be unearthed and we have no story.

Theres a differnce between a american journalist, that through legal means discovers something they thinks the public needs to know.

And a Russian agent, maybe looking to trade favors, by handing over damageing information, in order to win a election, for a person they approve off to be set in place of power.


Outside's sources arnt supposed to determine/effect american elections, and your not supposed to meet with them to do so.

Trump Jr admits to doing so.

He showed up at a meeting, to get intel, hopeing that it would help them win a election.

Outside sources didnt determine or affect the election, Outside sources may have provided information that people didnt otherwise know but in no way made people vote differently or altered any votes. We put propoganda out in other countries elections all the time, if you think we dont you are Naive. 


We allow testimony from criminals against other criminals, we offer protection of criminals for testimony against other criminals, why would we not listen to anyone who can provide proof of an illigal act by one of our politicians? Why would we not listen to anyone who can provide proof of deception by one of our elected officials? Because they are bad? Because we think they are out to get us? Really? Just because you dont like the source doesnt mean the information isnt valid.