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Machiavellian said:
I just saw another piece where they show only days after the setup of this meeting between Trump Jr and the Russian Attorney, Trump himself coming out and saying he was going to reveal information concerning Hillary Clinton. I wonder how he will try to wiggle from that statement that he knew nothing about the meeting.

Saw this too. On the 7th, he said that he had some big revelations coming on Clinton. He said he'd likely announce them in a speech on the 13th. The meeting was held on the 9th. The 13th came and went, and Trump gave his speech without really mentioning any dirt on Clinton. 

Seems pretty easy to fill in the blanks. Trump was hyped about what they'd learn at the meeting and couldn't help himself but to tease it. Meeting came, but they didn't get anything good out of it, and so the big reveal just disappears from his agenda. We don't have proof positive though.

What we do have, is that Trump's campaign learned of a plot by the Russian government to influence the election on Trump's behalf and sought to benefit from it. We also can tell, from plain observation, that Trump has expended considerable time and effor while in office trying to undermine the Russia investigation. Think, "fake news", "let Flynn go",  asking heads of the various intelligence agencies to clear him of suspicion, firing Comey, etc.

We need two more ingredients for impeachment IMO.

1.) Proof that Trump knew about Manafort, Kushner, and Junior trying to profit from a plot by the Russians

2.) The sycophant majority in congress needs to grow a spine

I think getting #1 will be a lot easier.