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Superman4 said:
JRPGfan said:

What about intent ?

It doesnt matter at all to you?

The purpose (why he went to meet with russians) was to get dirt, so he could use it, and effect the election.

That is collusion.


He himself has admitted to it, in a tweet. He knowingly went to get dirt, from the russians on Hilary.

So what is it when the media gets dirt on people and publishes it? How about if  a candidate sought to get dirt on Hillary from another American? Dirt is dirt, it doesnt matter where it comes from as long as it can be proven true or false.  The intent was to damage Hillary and help Drumpf, if Hillary has nothing to hide as she says than no dirt can be unearthed and we have no story.

Do you really not understand the difference between a news organization cooperating with a foreign government and the President's advisors and family members?  The former does not dictate foreign policy.  The latter does.

It's the same reason why me having a close personal friendship with a mob boss probably wouldn't matter, but the police chief having a close personal relationship with a mob boss would be cause for public concern.

We don't want a conflict of interest, especially in the highest office in the country.