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yes, its yet another prediction by me, you guys should get used to seeing more threads like this from me.

There is a lot of talk about games people want to see on the Switch. Two of those dreams, Mainline Pokemon and Metroid Prime 4 are getting fulfilled.

But what slips under the radar of many is that the Switch will most likely get ANOTHER 3d Mario after Odyssey.


Since Mario Galaxy 1, 3d Mario's usually release at a 3-4 year gap.

mario galaxy 1>>>>>(3 years)>>>>>mario galaxy 2

mario galaxy 2>>>>>(3 years)>>>>>mario 3d world

super mario 3d world>>>>>>(4 years)>>>>>mario odyssey

So three-to-four years from now we will still be in the Switch's lifecycle, there is no doubt about it.

So what mario do they make? Even though 3D world was great, I don't see them going back to the style because of the backlash that game got. People clamour for a return to sandbox-mario, they give odyssey than revert back to 3d world linearity............nah, thats not happening.

You could argue the case for Super Mario Galaxy 3, but I think Nintendo is done with Galaxy, and that they will remain the signature games for Wii. Besides, there is no way they can top Super Mario Galaxy 2 if they gave it another crack. I personally think they will let the series be as it is. 

So the logical conclusion it comes down to is that it will another Sandbox-Mario, and since it on the same console as Odyssey, I think Nintendo will give us a sequel with competely different locations (and a few returning ones, too), and some new clever mechanic that sets it apart from its predacessor.

So I think Super Mario Odyssey 2 releases fall 2021 for the Nintendo Switch.


Bet with Intrinsic:

The Switch will outsell 3DS (based on VGchartz numbers), according to me, while Intrinsic thinks the opposite will hold true. One month avatar control for the loser's avatar.