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Kyros said:
. If you can't notice the fuzziness that comes with upsampling,

Perhaps we should make clear WHAT you say. Of course there is a fuzziness with Upsampling. You cannot create details that do not exist. But the image doesn't get worse when you upsample it compared with a lower res image of the same resolution (for example on a SD TV) thats "fuzzy" as well. So WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU SAYING.

I had teachers too in psycho acoustics claiming the human ear can't hear past what a CD contains and that's a bull load as well.

Sorry but these teachers are absolutely correct. For Stereo CD quality is everything anybody will ever hear. It has a higher signal to noise ratio and can create a wider frequency band than the human ear can hear. Your sound system is much much much more important.

[quoteJust because 99% of screens are, you assume I do?[/quote]

Nobody said that I only said that 99% of all TV screens do an upsampling anyway without anyone who uses them seeing a fuzziness. I really do not care what you see anymore. Your posting gets annoying.

Well, you did now bother to read and understand the post! Wonders!

The whole point of the discussion has been that upsampling blurres the image, thank you again for acknowledging the point. I hope soon you join the club against the degradation of image quality brought over by the digital miracles of uprezzing, extreme chroma sampling, compressed dynamic range and tiny bandwith.

SD TV's arent fuzzy because the original image is fuzzy nor because displaying an image in its original resolution and aspect ratio makes it fuzzy, they are fuzzy because of interlacing - most SD TV's are built in with a blur mechanism to hide the interlacing. If you watch progressive content on a tube TV that supports it, you'll notice the fuzzyness is gone.

The point is, upsampling kills the crispness and precision of the images and ninja gaiden's visuals suffer because of it - the interpolating required to fill up the extra lines hurts the visual presentation of the game.

Also, concerning psycho acoustics, test groups have shown people do notice a difference between CD audio and the "high res" sound formats, that's the reason why improved audio formats were launched. Unfortunately for the manufacturers, it wasn't enough to motivate the consumer base to transition from the CD amongst other reasons because you need some finely tuned gear to extract the most out of the recordings. 

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).