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. If you can't notice the fuzziness that comes with upsampling,

Perhaps we should make clear WHAT you say. Of course there is a fuzziness with Upsampling. You cannot create details that do not exist. But the image doesn't get worse when you upsample it compared with a lower res image of the same resolution (for example on a SD TV) thats "fuzzy" as well. So WHAT EXACTLY ARE YOU SAYING.

I had teachers too in psycho acoustics claiming the human ear can't hear past what a CD contains and that's a bull load as well.

Sorry but these teachers are absolutely correct. For Stereo CD quality is everything anybody will ever hear. It has a higher signal to noise ratio and can create a wider frequency band than the human ear can hear. Your sound system is much much much more important.

[quoteJust because 99% of screens are, you assume I do?[/quote]

Nobody said that I only said that 99% of all TV screens do an upsampling anyway without anyone who uses them seeing a fuzziness. I really do not care what you see anymore. Your posting gets annoying.