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rocketpig said:
The_vagabond7 said:
Honestly, I don't think there is too much wrong with taking children away before they become violent jew and gay hating racists. Plus the drugs and alcohol.

If it was just an unpopular belief that is one thing, but a violent hate filled belief system, well that's a different story. If they took kids away from a pair of cannibals, I don't think anyone would complain. I'm as liberal as the next guy, but trying to defend the spreading of neo-nazism to children isn't something I'm willing to defend. The last thing we need is more kids in high school with shaved heads and swastika tattoos bashing kids face into a curb because they might be a "fagot", simply because they had some jackhole of a dad that told them that is what they are supposed to do to "fagots".

Again, I'm liberal but a drug addict teaching neo-nazism to his kids is a tough sell.

But it's not illegal. The government being able to remove children from their parents based on an idea is a very scary thing.

 And I doubt every single goverment worker would agree with what was done. The fact of the matter is that it was done by people who work for the government, not some entity labled "government". I don't think we'll see on the news tomorrow that all parents that have questionable opinions on the holocaust are having their kids removed. While on this small isolated scale it can happen, it would never fly on a larger scale, my opinions of nazi's aside. When I see or read that a cop pulled over a black guy and beat the hell out of him because he assumed wrongly that he was armed, I think it sucks but I don't think it's scary that the goverment can just pull anybody over based on racial profiling and beat the hell out of them.


You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.