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All this really says about NG2 is that it is fill rate bound. Meaning lots of cool pixel shaders, and lots of overdraw (which might be cool FX, or possibly just badly designed art resources).

Usually a game that's fill bound looks pretty dang good, even if the resolution isn't crazy. Go back and play some old PC games at uber resolution on your PC, and then compare them to modern games which use modern pixel shaders and much more detailed texturing.

The modern games look better, IMO. Resolution is less important than framerate, and less important than the detail that good shaders and FX provide.

This, btw, is why the Wii's graphics are subpar -- lack of modern shader tech, not resolution. Also... the Wii's menu appears to use anamorphic widescreen on a HDTV (it stretches a 640x480 image to psuedo-848x480 by stretching the pixels to be wider than they are tall) -- I'm not sure there are any Wii games that actually render at > 640x480 anamorphic.