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I’m sorry but this is a little ridiculous to say. Nintendo has been the only company to offer true backwards compatibility to an overwhelming amount of software. The Wii played those tiny GameCube games. The Wii U played Wii games. Almost all accessories worked. Just keep your old game systems if you want your old games that bad. Stop calling it Nintendo’s problem. I agree the more Wii U ports the better. Some games should be ported immediately by Nintendo: Smash Bros, Xenoblade, being the obvious choices considering the remastered editions of games on the Xbox one and PS4. Nintendo should focus on delivering original Switch specific experiences. And answer the AAA fans with their own blockbuster FPS IP that counters all the begging for COD that appears on the internet. COD is stale. Maybe a METROID online FPS but something. Third parties need to step up and make original content instead of saying the switch isn’t powerful. It can make Wii U software and that was good enough. If the Wii U library was portable like the switch I would take that in a heartbeat. The Switch is at least 3 times more powerful than the Wii U. Developers need to make original content not original IP. It needs to be switch specific like Resident Evil and Silent Hill and Deed Space was on the Wii and not watered down ports like COD and FIFA and Madden was. Just make new experiences with quality IP and stop focusing on parity. If people want an Xbox game they will buy it on Xbox and the same with the PlayStation.