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Upstreaming sais hi!

Value isn't something you view through a bottleneck - go find out what upstreaming is an smile. =)

Also he who has the largest user base = he who can shift what sells where.

From past knowledge I'd say that CoD5 will be a 1 million seller in month 2; Wii version. In one year I'd figure it around 2 million or 3 million. (I'm looking at you Red Steele!)

I'm sure they will make huge profit off this.

Life as a married man w/o Wii.

1.*Wiifit Commercial*
2.*The best night of shag ebar!*
3.*She demands you get Wiifit, which means get a Wii*
4.*You remember the shag and fork up to 350, that was for your PS3.*
5.*You get a call at work and she sais she bought a Wii, what do you want.*
6.*Your friend get's you a few gritty games.*
7.*You hate the Wii, and long for the forbidden fruit of PS3*
8.*Summer rolls around and you still can't afford to get that PS3*
9.*But the shag is still good*

Conclusion: Wii leads to getting some, so get some Wii! Actually it's that a lot of guys need a shooter fix, specially the Socom crowd, CoD5 may just do it.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D