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First of all you guys know that there was some info going around about how the Wii version of cod 5 will look like.

It will use a modified cod 4 engine and be made by treyarch themself with a different team.

So why I think we can see a cod 4 Wii edition.

- Treyarch likes Wii Infinity Ward clearly said they don't so they never wanted to make a cod 4 Wii.

- Treyarch is using a cod 4 engine for the Wii meaning the can use the same assets from cod 4 for the Wii version  and use the engine they made for cod 5.

- Activision can't be unhappy with there products on Wii ( I have to admit they made some pretty decent stuff)

If done right Activision and Treyarch would have the first modern time Wii shooter available ( the rest is all past or future) with the Wii zapper (possibly packed in ) and online this would be a truefully large selling game.

So what do you lot think are the changes of us getting a cod 4 wii edition made by Treyarch.


I say it's about 78% possible. But won't be released before cod 5.