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Azuren said:
caffeinade said:

Games should be art.
We wouldn't stop using the colour red in paintings because ~ 60% - 80% of people cannot see red.
We should always push the limits of the medium, that means maxing out the games on PC.

And art isn't about maxing out the graphics. It's about presenting something that evokes an emotion. If you can't have an emotion evoked because the graphics aren't good enough or because 30fps burns your eyes, then guess what? You're the guy who can't see red.

Lol, I agree. I get tired of reading about consoles holding back gaming when it really isn't true. Everyone can get fantastic experiences without the need for bleeding edge technology (even though bleeding edge technology is super nice).

Reality is, if consoles didn't exists, the gaming landscape would be a lot different in general (maybe not even exist). PC gaming only picked up after consoles and arcades moved gaming into the mainstream.

Also, even though gaming can be an art form, it's commercial art. 200 to 300 people are working on the AAA games so people have to get paid for their hard work. And the companies investing in these salaries are doing so to get a salary. I would never be so entitled to think they have to do things solely for my enjoyment of their art. These companies and the employees who work hard to make this big games have to put food on the table. It's not like one guy painting in his studio apartment while working two other jobs as a barista and a shoe shine. Triple AAA sells best on consoles. So the only people holding PC gaming back is the hundreds of millions of PC gamers who don't buy triple AAA games on their PC in order to make it the base platform for building games. Oh wait, most of those PCs can't even run games as well as a PS4? So who's holding who back, again.

But I digress. On topic, I'm excited to see what the PS5 can do.