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specialk said:
iron_megalith said:

Tolerate? Is being reserved about something and seeing how bullshit this whole overblown fiasco about some god damn tweet that absolutely means nothing is being  tolerant or even worse disensitized?

Regardless of Trump's dumb tweet, the media isn't a clean player and they just demonstrated that here. How is finding the one responsible for the gif or video going to help anyone? And why are we crying over inciting violence again? 

Yes. We tolerate violence from people elected serve at the Federal level. This is demonstrably true, as I said. A few weeks ago, a candidate assaulted a journalist, lied about it, and was elected into the House of Representatives the following day. He later plead guilty, but was just slapped on the wrist and welcomed with open arms into congress. Some congresspeople and conservative thought leaders even cheered what he did.

We're "crying" about violence because violence isn't something that mature adults in civilized society should do. Especially not people ushered into the highest positions of power. 

Sometimes the media gets things wrong. But they pay a price and are held accountable. See just a few weeks ago when CNN fired several journalists. Our elected officials, and the "alternative" media willfully lie and deceive on a massive scale and almost no one holds them accountable. This is a very dangerous double standard that we're facing.

iron_megalith said:

Last time I checked, we're all lapping up Hollywood's antagonistic portrayals with no problems. We don't question it. WWE was ok it's just entertainment. Then we make a pathetic gif, it's suddenly inciting violence and is a """"""national issue""""""".

Back the hell up please. Like what they used to say, "Don't sit too close to the T.V."

My point still stands you're indeed very blind person.

I don't know what you're getting on about with Hollywood here.

I don't watch TV. I rely mostly on newspapers and following the work of favorite journalists to stay informed. I certainly don't follow CNN. That doesn't mean I can't be objective when judging their behavior though. 

It's clear that you just want to assume things about me and shout past me. I get it. That's any easy thing to do. I'd suggest that you go somewhere like 4chan though. There are a lot of people there eager to play that game with you.

The best suggestion that I can offer though, if for you to step away from the Internet. You seem kind of like an angry person. Staying on the internet too long can feed into a cycle of anger and nastiness. I don't think that's very healthy though. Anyway, best of luck. 

How was that incident a lie?  People themselves at CNN basically said they made the story up for views and called all voters incompetent, seems like nothing was blown out of proportion.

I find it more concerning that a main network just lied to your face and went after the wrong guy for posting a meme, and yet the only person you're concerned about is Trump who retweeted the gif. Sounds to me like damage control.