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I'm an Explorer type. I want to go everywhere and know all the secrets. If I see a ruin, I want to make sure it's not meaningful or significant in some way. I want to know and see everything and have it cataloged in my mind. Games like Fallout 4 or Skyrim, where you know 90% of players will only see a tiny bit of the whole world, I just can't accept that personally.

I also have some kind of game-centric OCD, where I HATE leaving enemies alive.

Using Fallout 4 as an example again, there is a road that takes you from your Hangman's Alley settlement to some other important, quest-filled areas. On the way over, there are several minor Raider hideouts and encounters, which you can easily run past--which you really SHOULD run past, to be honest, after you've wiped them out a few times. I can't stand it, though, and almost always clear them out AGAIN, even if there are quests I feel like I need to get over with.

Likewise, when I teleport to the island with Croup Manor, I'll see Brotherhood of Steel choppers flying overhead and, even if I'm there for a reason, I'll veer off and follow them just to get in on the action as they attack any baddies floating around. In fact, I'll usually trigger the Mirelurk Queen and drag her into the BoS/Mutants/Raiders, then hide. When I'm executing the survivors and looting the corpses, I'll think, "oh, crap, I was supposed to be finishing that quest ..."