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totalwar23 said:

Ugh...These past few weeks have been crap but school is almost done. Although, I have a report to hand in (which I only have a page to show for) and 3 finals I haven't taken yet :(.

But, to celebrate the end of the school year, and hopefully a well-paying summer job, I decided to buy an Xbox 360. Originally, I wanted to upgrade my PC instead but found it to be currently impractical. Therefore, I decided on a console instead. As I already have a Wii, I had to pick between either the PS3 or the 360 and looking at the software library now, as well as the price, I found the Xbox 360 more attractive.

However, before I go and buy an Xbox 360 arcade, I have a couple of questions which hopefully, you guys can answer as I don't pay attention to the latest updates and details about the SKUs.

1) How are the RROD problems? They put in the new shrunk down processors in the Arcade version, right? Newer versions are more reliable?

 They put them in and im pretty sure that you wouldn't have to worry about reliability issues. Microsoft has every incentive to have made it reliable as humanly possible up to now since they have a 3 year warranty on the thing.

2) How important is connecting to the internet? I'm planning on just offline gaming.

There are some very fun arcade games to download, you can get patches and download trailors if you use the internet but its not essential.

3) Does the arcade version have HDMI?

Yes, all new falcon consoles come with HDMI. You will have to buy a cable - suggest ebay as the ones in the shops can be wickedly overpriced. Don't pay more than $10 for an HDMI cable.

4) Possibility that future games might require hard drives?

Nope, but many games come with extra content available online or they do an optional HDD install. It can reduce the loading time on a small minority of games but it is not essential.

5) How fast are the loading times? Comparable to Wii games?

They aren't too bad at all, very comparable if not faster overall with some exceptions that are slower.

6) Anything I might want to know as an owner?

Have fun? You should check out the list of games that are available and have a look for the genres you enjoy playing.

I've already bought Crackdown as the first game for the console and I plan on picking a few RPGs over the summer.

New games to look for are Too Human, Fallout 3, Sacred 2 when they come out, old ones are games such as Oblivion and Mass effect - this one especially is a nice game and quite easy to play if you're not used to the controls.  



No problem.
