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palou said:
The_Yoda said:

You establish precedent with such things as the tobacco tax flouted as money that "would be used for healthcare" (  in reality - see: new revenue stream)

To spend money you need revenue. That's not a problem. If you were, let's say, in Canada, a third of any revenue IS spent on healthcare thereafter (along with education, environnement, culture and social security.) In the United States, you choose to spend the money to keep an army capable of invading several countries simultaneously. But that's not an inherent issue of taxation, but rather an issue with the american people - who accept, or even encourage such expenditure.

"an issue with the American people - who accept, or even encourage such expenditure." I will not argue with that.  We the People should be running these life long politicians that lie in our faces every election cycle right out of office, unfortunately we rarely have good options and it is often a choice between the lesser of two evils.