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Easily, Dreamcast had some great games. It even made me and the rest of my family uninterested in a PS2, because it seemed unnecessary as there was no real visual improvement and it didn't have classics like SoulCalibur, and so nobody in my family ever got one. Obviously the PS2 lived for much longer, but it was already too late and notably more powerful consoles, XBox and GameCube, were around the corner. To this day I have never even touched a PS2 because of the early life of the Dreamcast.

GameCube was a dud though, and the worst Nintendo console until the WiiU (which did make the GameCube seem like it was the SNES itself but that's another topic). I found it's games were inferior to their N64 predecessors more often than not and there wasn't really anything that felt new and fresh, of what I played at least, and interest waned. With it, interest in Nintendo and console gaming as a whole was at a low-point for a couple of years, until Wii's new gameplay concepts and PS3's HD games.

I only played XBox with my cousin's, because I never had one of my own, but I liked what I played. Plus it has Knights of the Old Republic so that should already put it over GameCube at least by default. Overall the 6th generation, speaking of consoles including handhelds, is one of my lesser favorites and holds only a small amount of games in my all-time favorites list. PC gaming of the era was at it's peak though, and that was where I could usually be found instead.