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azrm2k said:
rocketpig said:
Words Of Wisdom said:
rocketpig said:
I'm sorry but no matter how many people tell me Nintendo is going in a different path with online, I will not accept the shitbox that is Wii Wi-Fi and I will not think that an online system that makes 1999 GameSpy look advanced is a great way of doing things in 2008.

The only thing 1999 gamespy had going for it that the Wii didn't have was chatroom functionality IIRC; and typing on a console without a keyboard is hard...

I was actually allowed to choose what game I wanted to join in GameSpy.

What Wii online game doesn't let you do that? MoH:H2 had a nice lobby system infact where you could sort games by type/amount of people and even password protect rooms. I haven't played MK:Wii online but SSBB lets you pick which friend you want to play with, no options for the random battles I will give you.

rocketpig, I don't think anyone is going to claim that Nintendo's online service is anything more than mediocre especially compared to Xbox Live (which makes makes even the PSN look like dirt although not as badly). That would be a silly claim.

I actually just posted because it's been a long time since I thought about how crappy online was back then. I still remember trying to get online with a friend in BG2 over gamespy which was like pulling teeth. For all its quirks and pains, the NWFC is still ages easier to use than lamespy (I just remembered that term... ^_^ ).