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Nem said:

Are you so desensetised that you think theres nothing wrong with his tweet?

Why don't you try saying what he did to a female forum member and see what happens?

The difference is, here we have someone ensuring a minimum of decency. In american politics, not even that.

If I only saw Trump's tweet in a black box with complete lack of knowledge of the surrounding current events then yes I would say that it was un-presidential and unprofessional.

In reality, though, the mainstream media has completely abdicated its responsibility to report news objectively and has been on a witch hunt to destroy Trump politically for the past year.  We have had Kathy Griffin hold the hair of a grisly depcapitated Trump head, we have had MSM repeatedly refuse to condemn and even tacitly support violence against Trump supporters, We have had CNN sponsor a series of plays where Trump is assassinated graphically, and we now have a self-admission that CNN's entire Russia narrative is basically made up.  That latest news also means that every one of the 10,000 sub-stories over the past 6 months that showing Trump/Russia collusion were at least seriously exaggerated if not complete lies themselves to support a narrative that has no substance  (ie. Trump and the Russian hookers, Trump leaking classified infor to Russia on laptop bombs,  Gen. Flynn plotting with the Russians, etc...)  And yet for all of this disinformation have we seen even one apology from CNN?  

I actually like your example about moderation on this forum, but how has moderation been applied to the mainstream media over the past year?  The New York Times suggests that it's OK to "punch a Nazi" but when an Antifa protestor burtally assaults peaceful Trump protestors with a bike lock the media isn't called to explain itself or held responsible for inciting violence.  The media constantly omits key details such as James Comey contradicting himself under oath about the Russian investigation in the hopes that the uninformed general public will draw an incorrect conclusion that will support their anti-Trump narrative.

Trump has been under constant attack from the media and a lot of their attacks are based on exaggeration, selective reporting, or complete falsehoods.  It's funny to me that people are screaming fowl when Trump retweets a fairly innocuous video that has him beating up an animated corporate CNN logo, what about the CNN sponsored play where Trump is getting stabbed to death?  Accountabiity goes both ways.  At some point, even the president is justified in taking the gloves off and fighting back.