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Captain_Yuri said:
JEMC said:

I know, and those are the cards I'm talking about.

If Vega is a success among miners and they buy lots of them, the gaming marcketshare will only change in favor of Nvidia (because their cards aren't as productive as AMD ones), and that will make the gap between AMD and Nvidia that we see in Conina's Steam Stats grow more and more. And the same will happen with the data that publishers and developers collect through their games when they scan our PC to know what's the best setup for the game in our machine (because I think they send that data to the publisher to know, for example, what kind of optimisations/fixes should be given a priority). 

So yes, if Vega is a success among miners, AMD will make money from their cards as they'll sell all they have, but that will hurt them in the long term because pub/devs will focus more and more on optimising their games for Nvidia's hardware as that what their data tells them that most gamers use.

Neh. If vega doesn't offer great performance for great value, I doubt the share would increase much at all tbh. I get what you are saying but would it even increase that much on steam's hardware survey even if miners weren't a thing and Vega still had neh worthy performance/value? At least this way, they might get money.

And it's not like they are failing now means that they can't come back if they manage to find a magical pixy dust like they did with Ryzen. We are seeing that just because a company has been dominant doesn't mean the the tide cannot change. The problem with GPUs though is that Nvidia hasn't exactly been slacking like Intel has and their GPUs do gain care worthy performance increase from gen to gen so for AMD it will be much harder.

All I am saying is this. If Vega really does compete with a 1080/1070 and gets priced a bit less, then most people would view it as a disappointment and it might not even sell that much even if Miners weren't buying gpus. But since Miners are buying gpus, it might sell a lot regardless of it's gaming performance. Yea it's steam stats might not go up very much but really... Assuming the performance isn't as great as it was hyped out to be, would it even gain much market share anyway? I doubt it since Nvidia can just lower the price of their 1080s/1070s and include a game while doing so.

Hopefully Navi will bring AMD back to the board but who knows at this point.

Well, of course Nvidia isn't slacking like Intel. They've found ways to use GPUs in science that reward pushing the boundaries of the hardware, unlike what happens with CPUs where most of the time they're already "good enough".

As for Vega competing with Nvidia's 1070/1080, well, that wouldn't be a surprise for me to be honest. Ever since the first demos, using Doom, AMD has compared Vega with the 1080 showing similar results. If there's someone out there that expects Vega 10 to compete or even beat the 1080Ti, then the problem doesn't come from AMD, but from himself.

That said, we'll see. Workstation class products don't performs as well as their gaming counterparts, so the end product could end up beating the 1080.

And AMD needs to get those cards to gamers, because it's not about gaining ground in the marketshare, it's about trying to minimize the loss they're having and will have in the short term.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.