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TheBraveGallade said:
I believe god exists...

I also believe that nobody has the right idea about who god is so...

How exactly can you believe in something if you don't have the right idea about what it is?  

numberwang said:
Superman4 said:

Animals kill other Animals for food, we do the same. Killing for sport is wrong. Also I cant think of any animals that kill their own for food. Killing is a part of survival, when it becomes a part of sport or entertainment than it is wrong.

There are vegetarians who would call eating meat an evil act. Where is your morality now?

Then we have a moral dilemma.  We have people with different opinions, and they have to try to convince one another that there opinion is the right one.  And hopefully this process will lead to a better understanding and lead to a stronger moral position.

If there is a god, that doesn't change this, especially a god that doesn't communicate directly or in objectively observable ways.  Within religions there are tons of moral disagreements.  There is widespread sectarian violence in the Islamic world, centuries of violence between catholics and protestants, and so on.  Beyond those large scale conflicts, there are millions of small scale disagreements among people of the same religion, and the same sect.  

If we were 100% sure there is a god, then that still doesn't solve it.  Unless we decide to just follow god blindly because he's powerful, then his existence does not make morality objective.  We would need to figure out whether this god person's commands are just and moral, so we still have to make moral assessments.  And, we're going to have disagreements in that scenario.