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Cerebralbore101 said:
TheLight said:

He also  said But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven,[a] but My Father only. 

Matthew 24:36  Things are never simple everything can be misunderstood.

You can't know that day or the hour, but you can still know the general timeframe. Let's suppose I say that there will be thunderstorm in your city on thursday, but nobody know the exact time it will happen. But then thursday comes and goes and there isn't a thunderstorm at all. I'm still a false prophet, regardless of me saying that nobody knows the exact time it will happen. 

But the probem is is that is your interpretation there is no real point in me arguing with you about it because you already made up your mind and are looking for reasons to justify your belief.  All people all like including me that It is a waste of time, so lets talk about something more interesting.  Here is a comment I posted before if you can actualy give some meaningful answers you might be worth talking to.

Scientifically speaking we are just a configuration of atoms and atoms don't care what configuration they are in so scientifically morality doesn't matter and it only matters to yourself. Since we could easily imagine a different configuration of atoms that had a completely different morality technically morality is completely arbitrary. You can't even appeal to evolution and Biology because atoms existed before DNA and atom didn't care before whether they would be arranged in a DNA and that the pattern would extended and they won't care after when DNA ceases to exist.

Only people care and people are their own unique configurations of atoms so if your an atheist it is pointless to wonder whether God existence is important or to even ask for proof of Gods existence because you can't even proof that you exist. 

Say you were cut in half vertically and almost instantaneously through extremely advanced technology each half was fixed to regenerate their missing halves. Now which one is you? Using this one example it becomes clear that there is no logical or scientific construction that can prove your existence apart from the configuration of your atoms. So there could be a million copies of you all exactly the same and there would be no way for you to tell the difference. 

So you can't even prove your own existence as a individual entity let alone the existence of God there are only atoms that will eventually ease to exist. One atom isn't any more important than any other. So as long as you who are mere configurations of atoms, which aren't any important then each individual atoms, continue to exist; don't fool yourself that you know anything. If you did know anything it would just be an accident based on the random motion of atoms based on the pointless unpredictable reality of quantum mechanics, so you can't actually prove anything because there is no fundamental reality that can distinguished between configurations of atoms that can know truth and those that don't. Because after all what reason is there that everything that you know could have been different, the whole universe could have been different.

Of course that is unless you reject the fundamental premise that there is nothing but atoms and energy. But then what would that be. If you are still reading this and are an atheist ask yourself why would you reply? Why does anything matter. Why would one configuration of atoms that has no control of its own configuration's past and consequently its future, attempt to try and change the configuration of another set of atoms when you can't prove that one configuration is more important than another?