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1. Platform of choice: Now that I have one, the Switch, but I'll play some games here and there on my PC when I feel like it.
I'll try to buy most 3D platformers and adventure or puzzle games on Switch when available (Really hoping A Hat in Time and Psychonauts 2 come to it!).

2. Inverted/Sensitivity: Non-inverted, because inverted confuses my brain. Sensitivity is usually the default one, I rarely feel the need to change it.

3. Switch playstyle: Mainly portable mode right now, but that's mostly because I need to fix my TV in order to play it there again. Also because it's super convenient and comfy to just play lying in my bed.

4. Dislike about platform controllers: I'm not a fan of the right Joy-Con having the analog stick below the buttons, it just feels wrong. I know why it's that way, but I'd rather have the analog above them if I could, just like on Wii U =P