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Hopefully, he is able to apply and return to the US lawfully and become a full citizen.

The law exists for a reason. It is a good thing to help those in need but when you open your borders and let everybody in, that stops being charity and becomes irresponsibility. Open borders is like a department store manager deciding to get rid of all of the security camera's and guards in the store to help the poor. within a few weeks, it won't just be the poor taking items from the store, it will be competing stores and organized crime and within a few months the store will go out of business and then all the clerks in the store making minimum wage will be without a job and even the poor who were the target of the store's policy will be worse off. This is why even food banks make you present proof of financial need: lawlessness is rarely a good thing.

Further, it's not charity for government officials to allow illegal mass-immigration when it is the people (many of whom didn't even vote for the said government officials) who have to live with the consequences. Charity is a personal self-sacrifice, but there is no charity in telling those below you to accept a lower standard of living when you go on living the high life. Millionaire leftist figures like those in Hollywood and most of the DNC who say we need to open our borders don't have to deal with the ugly reality of immigration when their homes have personal security details that make the border patrol look tame. At least Trump is a rich guy who is trying to actually trying to respond to the struggles of the people below him.