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sethnintendo said:
TH3-D0S3R said:

I can understand that, but 46.1% of the population were still willing to vote for him. He hasn't done anything really drastically contreversial as compared to on the campaign trail (I personally think he was FAR worse in the primaries as compared to now). That being said, everything he has done in office he did promise on the campaign trail. Couple that with the fact that the mainstream media is actually defending its lying and claiming its the victim of Trump in a very similar Kathy Griffin sort of way, I don't possibly see how his numbers went down after November 8th. Me personally, I think it's consistently in that 46-50 range, with SOME spikes when the media decides to destroy its own credibility. It's purely speculation on my end, but unlike the media I'm willing to admit it.

Yea but that was 46.1% of people who voted not the entire population (~60% of eligible USA voters actually voted).  Tons of people are just tired of the two major parties in USA, don't care, etc.  So he might have an approval rating of about 45% of people who voted but I'd bet his overall approval among everyone 18 and up is lower.

BTW, I am basing it off of voting results. My bad on forgetting to mention it. My stance on people who don't vote though is kinda negative. If you don't like him why didn't you vote for someone else etc. And that doesn't even include the local issues on the ballot that will most directly impact your way of living. If you want to be heard in the first place to me you have to get your voice out there, and voting is the best way to do that. That is not implying their voice doesn't matter, but rather to let them know if you don't like it you could have done something about it, but you chose not to. I view it as a sort of karma or consequence for their actions.