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In Georgia, ‘covfefe’ banned from vanity license plates

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Nearly 21 states had orders for “covfefe” vanity license plates, Newsweek reported. Georgia announced that the term, as well as any other variation of the word, will not be allowed on its vanity plates. The state did not say why it banned the word.

Bruce Brown, an Atlanta lawyer, told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution that the state’s decision to ban the word may be a violation of the First Amendment.

“Given the word ‘covfefe’ has a political meaning, the state can’t ban it because there are no provisions for rejecting political speech in their statute, and I’d say it is unconstitutional because rejecting all political speech means their decision is not viewpoint-neutral,” Brown said.

Covfefe joins the list of the other 8,000 terms the state prohibited which include: “H0TBODY,” “BUTT” AND “PERVERT."